Hajja Salesjana
In his commentary on Matthew 5:5, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”, Don Dolindo provides profound insights into the true meaning and power of meekness. Though he wrote decades before the advent of social media, his words ring just as true today, especially when it comes to our online interactions. In a world where outrage, judgment and harshness reign, meekness stands out. As Don Dolindo writes, “There is no force more dominant than that of meekness; because it conquers the soul and subdues the will.” When we encounter anger online, meekness provides an alternative – a chance to diffuse rage and transform hearts through gentleness. Don Dolindo compares the meek to “a refreshing breeze” and “gentle rain that penetrates to the roots.” Their tranquil strength can melt even hardened wills. The loud and blustery may temporarily overpower others through sheer volume, but it is the meek who ultimately win people over in lasting ways. Where there is bitterness, the meek offer sweetness. Where there is shouting, they respond with soft answers. They overcome evil with good, meeting insults and injustice with forgiveness and charity. If we hope to change minds and shape culture for the better, this spirit of meekness must permeate our online presence. Social media often rewards the most sensational, click-bait headlines. It promotes knee-jerk reactions over nuanced takes. Users are tempted to join the outrage du jour or pounce upon the latest scandal with collective furor. But 120 characters of anger rarely transform hearts. Even well-intended advocacy easily devolves into shrillness in the absence of meekness. As Christians, we can demonstrate a better way – engaging issues with conviction Blessed Are the Meek on Social Media by Elie Dib (Catholic Exchange) Wisdom from Blessed Carlo Acutis & Don Dolindo for Grace Online Photo by Julian Christ - Unsplash.com 8 Jannar-Marzu 2025 hajja
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