Hajja Salesjana
the little miracles and beautiful experiences on the way because we were glued to our mobile screens fascinated by the constantly changing images, with our ears pounded by all sorts of distractions from our phones. Another experience which set me thinking recently came as I was striving to keep calm while I drove in yet another traffic-clogged road putting my patience to test. Something which most of you Maltese and Gozitan readers can surely empathise with! All of a sudden the haunting siren of an ambulance could be heard shrieking above the cacophony of traffic. Its flickering blue lights could be seen above all the cars as it tried to carve its way through the traffic- jammed thoroughfare. I was struck how it seemed like everything stopped and everyone hurried to do their utmost, despite the obvious difficulty due to the huge amount of cars on the road, to make way for the ambulance to pass as it waded through cars and sped forth towards hospital, presumably carrying a passenger in dire need, assisted surely by professional medics on the way. I have to admit that this incident, right in the midst of a very busy day, was a ruthless reminder of the sanctity and fragility of our life which we so very often take ever so for granted as if tomorrow is guaranteed and as if we are here forever, forgetful that all can change in the blink of an eye! Alas we have to admit that we are so often taken up by our humdrum responsibilities and duties, by deadlines, appointments and so forth that we tend to forget to be appreciative of all who journey with us on life’s path, often bringing up the excuse of lack of free time so as to visit our loved ones, enjoying their company, forgetful that someday their time will be up, as will be ours too. Consequently, we’ll end up with loads of regrets yearning for one last hug, one last moment of togetherness, one last visit but then it will be too late... How often we neglect our health and wellbeing because we are slaves to the modern mantra of the glorification of busyness only to end up with strict orders by our family doctor or therapist, to slam on our life’s breaks and change gears so as to proceed at a more human pace in life so as to avoid serious health or relational problems? Alas, it seems we are all held hostage by Mr. Hurry Up! So as we begin a new year, let us rediscover the beauty of connection and communication. Let us rediscover the preciousness of the gift of life and let us use it to bring love, peace, goodness and kindness wherever and with whoever we may be. Let us all strive to make a difference for the better by having the courage to be really and truly human beings and not A.I. driven robots! Let us show authentic care to one another, reminding each other that we are all pilgrims on a journey as we push forward towards our forever home in Heaven. Till then, let us savour the now and all who partake in it, conscious of how fleeting and how short our life really is compared to eternity. This is my New Year wish for each and every one of us – to have the courage to be truly human beings, conscious of the gift of time, the gift of health, the gift of oneself and the gift of others. Aware of such wondrous gifts, we can then be truly a gift to others! “We can’t heal the world today, but we can begin with a voice of compassion, a heart of love and an act of kindness” (Mary Davis). Safe journey onwards, through 2025. May Jesus and His Mother guide, protect and bless us all! Photo by Mantas Hestaven - Unsplash.com Photo by Adi Yusuf - Unsplash.com 4 Jannar-Marzu 2025 hajja
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