Hajja Salesjana
support me.” The meaning of hope as trust helps me not to be closed within myself. It shows me that I’m not meant to carry all the burden alone. It shows me that there are things beyond my control and it’s ok. It helps me to stay humble. It helps me understand that it’s ok to ask for help. The risk of the first nuance is that, alone, it may lead me to rely only on my own potential. It also puts me in the risk of trying to live only in the future and forgetting that the real moment is the present moment. The risk of the second one is that, alone, it may lead me to rely too much on outer help and forget my own strength. Not to mention the risk of placing my trust in the wrong place! Both benefits and risks recall the Pandora story of Greek mythology. But what if we shift our gaze to the Christian story? Before the birth of Christ in Bethlehem, the gods were seen as either neutral to humanity, or even opposed to it. With the birth of Christ, God is with, through, and in humanity. In full circle, during Holy Mass, we give glory and honour to the Father and the Holy Spirit, with Christ, in Christ and through Christ. Mythology from antiquity is very important. It is full of stories that teach us important lessons about life. Different figures from these stories, teach us, among other things, that it is important to fight for what is good, even when you know that there can be no victory; we fight for what is good simply because it is good and not for any egoistic reason. Moreover, in mythological stories of good against evil, we see that as humans, we have the same enemies, irrespective of what and who we believe in: chaos, unreason, destruction, violence, greed, hunger, sickness, death… These are all enemies found in world myths, Photo by Alex Vignoli - Unsplash.com 12 Jannar-Marzu 2025 hajja
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