Hajja Salesjana

limited! It is only ‘now’ that we are sure of. Hence we must learn to appreciate the sacrament of the present moment and live it fully, thoroughly and wholeheartedly without wasting it by ruminating on what was or fiddling on what could come about. We must leave the past to God’s mercy and entrust the future in His almighty hands as He who lives in the eternal now, is already present in our future and there will be nothing we will go through without His sure accompaniment, for as long as we invite Him to do so. He will walk with us and see us safely home to Heaven, if we invite Him to do so! Often we live between alternating times of light and shadow, joys and sorrows, calm and turbulence, sunshine and rain, spring and autumn, summer and winter, health and sickness, hellos and goodbyes, beginnings and endings.... There seems to be an invisible dance between moments of happiness and periods of struggle in our existence here on Earth. It seems to be life’s unwritten pattern which admittedly, we all go through and experience whether we are aware of it or not (Ecclesiastes 3:1-11). Recently as a Vice Province we have had the joy of having a new provincial installed and bid farewell with gratitude to our previous one, we have had the pleasure of witnessing three young men commit themselves to the Lord Jesus as Salesians of Don Bosco, EDITORIAL Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb Reflecting on life’s meandering journey... Very often as we draw towards the end of yet another calendar year, we tend to look back and see which twists and turns life threw at us and which valleys, plateaus and mountains we have descended to, walked upon or valiantly scaled in the previous days, weeks, months and seasons of this dwindling year. Admittedly, it is this ongoing process of life, under the direction of Him who is the source of life, which slowly, gradually and gently hones, moulds and forms us into who we are as our time ticks away. We are truly beings in constant becoming. Alas, some of us tend to romanticise the past and remain fossilised there, forever remembering what was and holding on tightly to the frigidly rigid mentality that things were always done like this. In so doing, they block themselves from any possible new pathways and innovative learning experiences, and stick to what always was as they pull down the shutters to any possible novelty. Others look ahead towards the future, hoping for better times or shuddering at how things might be in a year or a decade from now. In so doing, they forget that ‘now’ is all that we have and that tomorrow, yet alone the distant future, is not promised to none of us. Others are wise enough to come to the realisation that the past is gone and the future is totally out of our control. It is the present which we have. Nothing else. And even the present is Photo by Joel Danielson - Unsplash.com Photo by Francois Genon - Unsplash.com 3 Ottubru-Diċembru 2024 hajja