Hajja Salesjana
drop less and hence it will not be the same... Only together we can make an immense difference, but we must believe that we can, we must support one another in doing so. At the end of our earthly pilgrimage, we will leave everything behind. Nothing which we own will accompany us to eternity. Everything goes to others whom we loved. We will take absolutely nothing with us with the exception of only one thing.... all the love we would have strived to sow in the hearts of those we lived with, we worked with and met on our life’s meandering path. People will never forget how you and I made them feel. People who knew us will never forget how we validated them by truly seeing them, appreciating them, encouraging them, spurring them onwards and ultimately loving them as Jesus invited us to do – ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ (Mk. 12:31). Ultimately, at the end of the day, we prove our love for God, we show that His spark has become a consuming fire ablaze deep within our being, by loving as Jesus taught us to do and not by mere lip service, by hollow words or by detached devotionalism. Our faith must run deep and not remain superficial. We show that Jesus’ love has taken root deep within our being by daily, factually and actually living love, spreading love and being love. Is this easy? Does this come natural to us all? Certainly not, but with God all things are possible as long as we allow Him to work in and through our feeble littleness. All He wants is our free consent. With, in and through His Love, the Risen Christ can make of us worthy instruments in His ongoing symphony of Love which despite the blaring cacophany of noise our world is deeply steeped in, it continues to play on and can be heard by all who have ears tuned to His frequency. Are your ears tuned to this divine frequency or not? Has his divine spark of Love become a consuming fire deep within you which motivates you daily to live love? Do you strive to live love, to live Jesus here and now? Do you wish to make a difference for the better? The choice is in your hands, and remember we only have one life to live! Hence, let’s use it well and leave a positive impact by the love we strive to share in our daily mundane everyday.... Photo by Maksym Mazur - Unsplash.com Top photo by Jason W, bottom photo by Jason Leung - Unsplash.com 4 April-Ġunju 2024 hajja
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