Hajja Salesjana
and joy to our cold, bleak and beleaguered world frought with so many social, economic and psychological issues which shake our humdrum normality and effect our here and now in more ways than one. If we all allow this to happen to us, oh what a transformation the world will witness. We will set the world ablaze with Love. It will be a revolution of Love by those who have decided to truly live Jesus, i.e. to live Love for our God is Love itself. Some might think that this is a mere utopia, some might scoff at this idea as a pie in the sky, some might see this as a mere idea hard to actuate, some might feel too overhwhelmed by all that is going on around us to make a difference... Some might feel they are a mere drop in the ocean. What difference can they make?! To sweep away this nagging doubt which disheartens our daily efforts, let us remember that the ocean is actually made up of trillions upon trillions upon trillions of drops all bound together. Hence, bearing this analogy in mind, without your drop, without your unique contribution wherever you may be and whoever you are, the ocean will be a EDITORIAL Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb From a spark to a flame... We have just recently celebrated the wondrous feast of Easter, followed by the beautiful Divine Mercy feast. All tokens of God’s immense Love, Mercy, Power and Grace which like a river in full spate, flow unabated to all who accept these divine free gifts making us more whole, hopeful and grounded in our fast paced and ever changing existence. In a world riddled with war, in a world where many are anxious about tomorrow, in a world where egoism and greed run rampant, in aworld where many ride roughshod on the environment, which is everyone’s heritage, as long as they get what they want, the Risen Christ blasts through it all with His immense dazzling Love which has concurred all that holds us human beings down and shackled. He comes to grant us His peace, He continues to knock at the door of our hearts to be let in so that He can place a spark of His Love deep within each and every one of us. It is then up to you and me, nudged onwards by His Spirit Paraclete of Love, to fan that spark into a blazing flame which will overtake all of who we are, so as to bring love, hope, peace, authenticity, genuineness, calm Photo by Dawid Zawila - Unsplash.com Photo by Aaron Burden - Unsplash.com 3 April-Ġunju 2024 hajja
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