Hajja Salesjana
Photo by zac Durant - Unsplash.com can truly perform wonders far beyond our imagining. Let us indeed keep up our prayers for vocations nowadays more than ever before. Let us pray for the perseverance of those who have answered God’s call and let us pray for new vocations. The Lord of the Harvest still calls persons to follow Him but is His gentle voice being heeded to? It is up to the youth of today, in the busyness of our life today and in the cacophany of the noisy cities of concrete we live in, to actually find time to be quiet in His Presence, allow Him space in our lives, fine tune our hearing to His frequency, choose to be wisely accompanied, discern accordingly and then attend to His call to allow Him to make something extraordinary with our ordinary lives. The choice is in our hands or rather upon our ears and heart! Johan took the leap, will you? All photos from Archdiocese of Malta https://ritratti.knisja.mt/home/ 21 April-Ġunju 2024 hajja
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