Hajja Salesjana

After the reading of the new testament passage of the Pentecost (Acts 12:1-11), the Holy Father offered some hints to the new cardinals - valid, which was however, also for all members of the College of Cardinals. “Before we are apostles - priests, bishops, cardinals, we are ‘Parthians, Medes, Elamites’... And this should awaken in us awe and gratitude for having received the grace of the Gospel in our respective peoples of origin. I believe that this is very important and should not be forgotten,” said the Pope, urging the newly ordained cardinals to preserve “amazement and gratitude” for the action of the Holy Spirit who has reached them in their languages and peoples, through the mediation of so many people: parents, grandparents, catechists... For this reason, Francis continued, almost as if to suggest a pastoral style of proximity and simplicity, it is important to remember that ‘faith is transmitted in dialect’, and that before being ‘evangelizers’ one has all been ‘evangelized’. The Holy Father’s last mention was of the universality of the College of Cardinals, an expression of a “symphonicity” and “synodality” that is proper to the whole Church. “Diversity is necessary, it is indispensable. But every sound must contribute to the common design. And for this, it is fundamental to listen to each other... And the conductor of the orchestra is at the service of this kind of miracle that each time is the performance of a symphony.” The Holy Father concluded stating that it is precisely the image of the orchestra, concluded, that teaches “always better to be a symphonic and synodal Church ... in the consoling trust that that we have the Holy Spirit as our master: the inner master of each one and the master of walking together”, who “creates variety and unity” and who “is harmony itself”. The celebration ended with the Holy Father’s Apostolic Blessing for the approximately 12,000 faithful present in St. Peter’s Square for this festive day; who, under a still summer sun, then lined up for the traditional ‘courtesy visits’ to the newly-cardinals in the corridors of the Vatican Apostolic Palace. 7 Ottubru-Diċembru 2023 hajja