Hajja Salesjana

swirling eagles, availing of the air currents up in those heights, effortlessly gliding around us, as we literally relished a bird’s eye view of the whole magnificent place we were blessed to visit. It was all a perfect example of our humdrum life here down under so to speak. We are all on a journey. Some head in one direction, some head in another. Yet we are all on the go, life must go on. It cannot be static. As long as we are alive, we are beings in constant becoming, slowly adjusting, changing, developing, adapting to whatever we would be facing and going through. Alas, some enjoy life’s one way trip and hop along as they appreciate views, fellow companions and the thrill of discovery. Others trudge along with head held low while others are weighed down by concerns missing out on all that would be going on near them. Admittedly, most of us experience both attitudes – moments of joy and moments of difficulty. Life itself is never a fixed pattern. At times we all need to have a break and rest to renew our strenght and energy before we can resume our voyage. We need to acknowlege that we are limited and need to look after ourselves and those we love. Not stopping, not admitting this need which is a regular EDITORIAL Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb The Journey that is Life Recently I had the great pleasure of climbing the Tre Cime di Lavaredo which are part of the spectacular Dolomite Mountains in Italy. Besides being simply a feast for the eyes, the whole experience thought me much about life itself too. To enjoy the breathtaking panoramas from the dizzying heights we scaled up to, we had to not only be assisted by transport but also to walk a lot. At times, catching up our breath was a must if we were to pursue our aim. At times we were obliged to stop, breathe, look around, observe, admire, appreciate our surroundings and then proceed onwards, forwards, higher. On the path there were many other persons from all ages and walks of life. Some were going in our direction, others were heading in the opposite direction. Yet we were all on a journey. Some hardly spoke or acknowledged others on the way, while other climbers bantered, laughed and enjoyed their climb. The path itself was not smooth at all but full of stones and there was no safety railing at the edge so if one ventured too near the ledge tumbling down into a vast void and onto solid rock was the very sore and unnerving possibility. It all hit me when we finally reached the awesome top with clouds gently drifting beneath us, caressed by the sun, amid Photo by Sujin jetkasettakorn - Vecteezy.com 3 Ottubru-Diċembru 2023 hajja