Hajja Salesjana

Photo by Neom - Unsplash.com Many of my friends are walking through tough circumstances right now. One man’s business has failed. Another man is experiencing chronic pain, and doctors can’t find a medical solution. Another is battling an addiction. One married couple I know is struggling with infertility. And several friends are feeling they have failed as parents because their adult children have walked away from God. Meanwhile even many pastors are experiencing discouragement. Some of my pastor friends have even been thinking of leaving the ministry because they feel like failures. My message to them is blunt: “Don’t even think about quitting!” If a cloud of heaviness has settled over you recently, don’t let this stop you from fulfilling your mission. Take these steps to regain your strength: Go to your secret place often. What did David do when he felt like he was sinking in a pit of depression? He took refuge in God’s presence. David said in Psalm 55:16: “As for me, I shall call upon God, and the Lord will save me. Evening and morning and at noon, I will complain and murmur, and He will hear my voice.” David found the best therapy in the act of honest worship. He poured out Don’t Let Satan’s Mind Games Discourage You by J. Lee Grady  his soul to God and placed his trust in Him alone. And he knew that God would rescue him. Don’t let Satan’s constant assaults wear you down. Pray hard, sing loud and then pray again. Pray until you hear a refreshing word from God that will override the lies of the enemy. Sing until the darkness lifts. When the breakthrough comes, the joy of the Lord will spring up from the wells of salvation. The heavy clouds of discouragement will dissipate. You will resist the devil and he will flee from you. Find your fellow warriors. This warfare we are engaged in is best not faced alone. I pity the lonely person who has no friends in the day of battle. David had 37 “mighty men” (2 Sam. 23:8) who fought beside him, and they loved him so much they risked their lives to protect him. Ifyouwanttoovercomediscouragement, you need “foxhole buddies” who are willing to pray with you, carry your burdens and help you stay encouraged. Don’t wait until you’re ready to quit to recruit these comrades. Like Moses, we also need Aarons and Hurs to lift up our arms when we don’t have the strength to pray alone (see Ex. 17:12-14). Don’t ever think that you have to face your trials alone. God has placed us in His family, and we are surrounded by brothers and sisters who love us. Don’t submit to the devil’s mind games. Satan knows how to discourage us. 20 Ottubru-Diċembru 2023 hajja