Hajja Salesjana

with current issues viewed from a Catholic perspective. This enables us to spread the Salesian charism in our families, at our work and within social places. Such monthly meetings better equip us to reply in a correct manner when faced by statements or questions in view of current topics by the younger generation and all around us. 17 5. 6. 4. Who is Don Bosco for you and what strikes you most about him? Don Bosco to me, together with his mother Mamma Margherita, are role models. They gave up everything to educate the young with an aim to make them good Christians and honest citizens through Don Bosco’s preventive system based on reason, religion and loving kindness. These three principles are still so valid in today’s world and if we all do our best to practice them in our daily life, especially in today’s society where values are being lost and where the safety net of the family is weakening, since children are spending more time alone or with different units created by today’s society to sustain our so called modern life style, what a difference for the better we would all make! Is there a phrase or a sentence from Don Bosco that inspires you in your life? ‘It is not enough to love: we must prove it every day through our actions’ – This is a phrase that Don Bosco loved and lived by. To me this is a very striking and strong phase and I try my best to remind myself of it every day especially in tough situations when it is easier to let frustration and anger take the best of you. It costs nothing to say that you love someone, but people around you need to feel that they are loved not simply by your words but also by your actions. Besides if we could spread love and make people know that they are loved, the world will certainly be a better place. What message would you like to pass on to the readers of Ħajja Salesjana? Finally my message to the readers of Ħajja Salesjana is to continue to educate, love and instill our Christian values in the young just like Don Bosco and Mamma Margerita did, mainly through our actions more than through our words. The young are our future and if we believe in them and stand by their side, they will continue to form a society that we will be proud of! Besides, I also encourage you all to read more about Don Bosco because he is such an inspiration and a relevant role model to all of us. Viva Don Bosco for ever! Tanya at her beloved Becchi Ottubru-Diċembru 2023 hajja