Hajja Salesjana
1. "Have the courage then, to replace your doubts with dreams. Replace your doubts with dreams. Do not remain hostage to your fears, but set about working to realise your goals!" 2. “In the Church there is room for everyone! Room for everyone!" No one is useless, no one is superfluous, there is room for everyone. As we are, all of us. And Jesus says this clearly when he sends the apostles to invite the man who had prepared the banquet for him. He says: ’Go The tenmost significant quotes fromPope FrancisatWYD and bring everyone, young and old, healthy and sick, righteous and sinners: everyone, everyone, everyone’." 3. “We were not automatically called, we were called by name. Let's think about this: Jesus called me by my name. They are words written in the heart.” 4. "May these be days in which to fix in the heart that we are loved as we are, not as we would like to be: as we are now. This is the starting point of WYD, but above all the starting point of life. Boys and girls: we are loved as we are, without makeup!" 5. "The only way, the only situation in which it is permissible to look at a person from above is... say it..., strongly: to help them get up." Pope Francis was in Portugal for six days on the occasion of World Youth Day (WYD) Lisbon 2023. There were many speeches, homilies, greetings and blessings to the "wave of young people" who participated in the WYD in Lisbon 2023. Photo by Svetlana Gumerova - Unsplash.com Photo by Mario Purisic - Unsplash.com 14 Ottubru-Diċembru 2023 hajja
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