Hajja Salesjana

Photo by Ivan Maljarenko on Unsplash.com A coherent life is a reward in and of itself as it will result in a peaceful conscience, in a genuine lifestyle and in a serene demeanour because one who is coherent has nothing to hide, nothing to keep away from others and nothing to conceal from the prying social media. He( /she) is who he (/she) is wherever he (/she) and with whoever he is. There are no masks! Let us strive for coherence! Let us realise that a life worth living is an authentic life even if this means going against the grain and pushing against the social flow. Let us make an effort to be coherent in what we believe in, in what we say and in what we do for we could be the only Gospel people we share life with or work with could ever read. Let us work at being coherent so as to be a light to others in an all too dark world which has opted for the shadows rather than for Christ’s shafts of bright light offered to us in His word of truth in the Gospel. Let us grow in coherence so that our truthful presence among others will be a challenging fragrance which will force others to rise above the stagnant complacency of today and have the guts to stand up and stand out for all that is good, for all that is genuine, for all that is real and for all that is sincerely authentic. True we are merely a drop in the ocean, but unless you and I work at our human and Christian coherence, the ocean would then be a couple of drops less! You and I matter to God. You and I can make a difference for the better if we put our mind, heart and soul to it. Just remember that one day you and I will be a memory. What sort of memory will we be – a good or a bad one, a genuine or a fake one? Just remember that those who truly live of Love – Jesus Christ – here and now, will live forever not only in the hearts of those who knew them well but also in Eternity with God because they consistently and coherently lived Jesus, lived love!... Top photo by Zetong Li, Bottom photo by Jordan Madrid - . 4 Lulju-Settembru 2023 hajja