Hajja Salesjana

As we draw the celebration of Don Bosco’s birthday on the 16th August, this wonderful article by the Rector Major on the man himself will help us savour further the wonder of our beloved saint, father and teacher of youth. (ANS - Rome) - Don Bosco is perhaps the most amazing and fascinating saint, history has ever produced. Every saint carries within him or her a particular charism and fascination, but in Don Bosco once can gauge a rich and perfect combination of human and divine qualities. It is amazing to note, how a simple, poor, semi-orphan peasant boy from Becchi, could rise up to the founding of a congregation, and sow the seed for the rise of a great movement, the Salesian family which has more 400,000 members all over the world. Today his followers, the Salesians of Don Bosco are more than 14,000 and present in 134 countries of the world reaching out to the young people most in need. Don Bosco is loved very much worldwide, and is truly a magical word in the world of the young. He has transformed the lives of millions and millions of young people in this world and brought meaning to their lives. The sons of Don Bosco have committed themselves to a wide variety of activities, such as schools, colleges, universities, youth centres, technical schools, parishes, social welfare centres, orphanages, street children centres, rural empowerment centres, women development activities and so on, reaching out to thousands and thousands of young people all over the world, forming them to be good citizens and God fearing people. Don Bosco was no doubt a compendium of virtues, skills, talents and divine grace. He was an irresistible force who could permeate the heart of every person he met and was indeed a magnetic personality. Think of any good quality and you will see it personified in him. A feel of this stupendous saint with his magnificent qualities is the best way to make memory of him. He was first of all a man of God , who from his deep union with God was able to truly offer God’s love, mercy and strength. Despite his hectic work and he always maintained his closeness with God and made every person experience and feel that. Don Bosco was a zealous apostle , who endlessly grabbed every opportunity to win souls for God, no matter where he was, his only yearning was “Give me souls, take away the rest”. He was a loving person , a winner of the hearts of thousands of young people. Every young boy who came across him felt that he was individually loved and cared for by him. He was a pedagogue, a master educationist who through his preventive system of reason, religion and loving kindness could make his system of education very humane, spiritual, scientific and integral. He was a wonderful preacher and an inspiring speaker too, who knew the power of by the Rector Major Don Ángel Fernández Artime Don Bosco the Fascinating Saint 30 Lulju-Settembru 2023 hajja