Hajja Salesjana
or trains or planes or screens could show him the height and depth of those works. Where, then, was he looking? What inspired such praise? The clouds and dirt and hills and rivers and animals and image-bearers adorning the place he called home. “Living where we are makes the world big again.” The psalmist’s world was, in one sense, smaller than our own; in a more important sense, it was far larger. By living as a limited human, blessedly confined to one space and time, he saw much more than many of us. Who has eyes today for such Psalm 104 marvels? We walk with heads down — incurvatus in smartphone — trotting the globe on our devices while trampling flowers at home. Living where we are makes the world big again. It awakens us to the everyday wonders in our homes, neighborhoods, and churches. It reminds us that the most exciting and urgent matters happen not on screens, but in the successes and struggles of the ordinary brothers and sisters in our small group. It frees us to finally explore the galaxy of glories found here, in this small frame of God’s creation, where the heavens declare his glory, creation chants his praise, and immortal souls live and walk and laugh and weep. So live where you are: not because home is the most remarkable place on earth, but because God placed you there. And for those with eyes to see, it is full of his wonderful works. Photo by Quino Al - Unsplash.com 15 Lulju-Settembru 2023 hajja
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