Hajja Salesjana
Photo by Ivan Maljarenko on Unsplash.com direction, no purpose, no hope and no aim at all. Do you and I wish to live, or rather squander, our precious one chance at life in this way? Certainly not! Let us be deep seated rebels and choose to break free from what society and its flimsy topsy turvy values strive to entice us to, only to ensnare us in its gold plated prisons making us forget that we are eagles and not grovelling chickens. We are made to fly high and freely in God’s endless love, acknowledging His countless daily blessings constantly strewn lovingly on our life’s path. All this is and will be possible only if you and I decide to fling open wide the door of our heart to the triumphant Christ knocking to come in (Rev. 3, 20)... Only then will He majestically walk in, become an initimate part of who we are and take His rightful place on the throne of our heart. Only then, will we be able to live Jesus here and now, only then will our life resonate with His as we echo His love in our present, leaving a ripple effect of goodness wherever we may be for His greater glory! Have a blessed Easter season as you remind yourself that no matter what we and our war torn world face, God is with us and has risen victoriously crushing evil to futile smithereens. God’s infinite Love will ALWAYS have the last word! Just believe... “Behold, I am with you always even to the end of the world.” ( Mt. 28, 20) Photo by smartresize.com We are made to fly high and freely in God’s endless love, acknowledging His countless daily blessings constantly strewn lovingly on our life’s path ” “ Photo by Daniel Mirlea - Unsplash.com 4 April-Ġunju 2023 hajja
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