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“My most beautiful invention is my Mother”, says God An imaginary reflection written by Radio Maria Italia “My most beautiful invention is My Mother,” says God “I was missing a mother, so I created one. I made my Mother before she made Me. It was safer that way. Now I am truly a Man like all men. I have nothing more for which to envy them for, because I have a Mother. A real one. I was missing her! My Mother is called Mary,” says God. “Her soul is absolutely pure and full of grace. Her virgin body is so pervaded with light that while on earth, I never grew weary of looking at her, listening to her and admiring her. My Mother is indeed so beautiful, that despite the fact that I left behind Me the splendours of Paradise, I did not feel far from this beauty while by Her side.” “Nevertheless, I know very well,” says God, “that even being carried by angels, is nothing compared to being cradled in the arms of a Mother!... And by the way, My Mother died too...,” says God. “After I had gone up to Heaven, I missed Her, and She missed Me too. She rejoined Me directly both with her soul and her body when she died. I could not do otherwise. It was necessary. It was more convenient that way. You see, the fingers that touched God, could not remain immobilised. The eyes which contemplated God, could not remain closed. The lips which kissed God, could not remain rigid. That immaculate body which had given a body to God could not disintegrate and become one with the soil of the earth.... I could not do this, it was not possible. It would have cost me too much!” “I have a wonderful Father, I am His Son, and I command.... And then,” says God, “I did this for humanity, for My brothers and sisters, so that they may have a Mother who is in Heaven; a real one, one of them, in body and soul. (I gave them...) My Mum. And so this is what happened... She is with Me, from the moment of Her passing away. Her assumption, as men call it. The Mother, found Her Son, and the Son, found the Mother. Body and soul, one close to the other for eternity. If only humanity can intuit the beauty of this mystery!” As we celebrate Mother’s Day in May, this is a very appropriate and soul stirring imaginary reflection on God’s own Mother by God Himself. Photo by Zoe Schaeffer - Unsplash.com Image by magnificat.ro 34 April-Ġunju 2023 hajja
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