Hajja Salesjana
surroundings, overtaken by cranes, highrise buildings sprouting like mushrooms wherever one looks, congested roads and perpetually stressed out people dashing from one thing to the other to try to make ends meet, while missing out on the essentials of life itself! Life is a gift which alas we often take so forgranted. And so is our health – both physical and spiritual. It is high time that we start to appreciate eachmoment, each person around us, each blessing God bestows upon us in the hope that we finally acknowledge Him and turn to Him to dialogue with Him and thank Him for His constant Presence, so full of love, mercy, care, grace and concern for each one of us. Like a prisoner of Love, He awaits us with bathed breathe in all the tabernacles in the world. He longs to lavish upon us all His gifts but we need to make time for Him, we need to spend time with Him, we need to share some of the time He has granted us with Him. Only then will we be able to be His ambassadors in a world which is pushing Him and His Word aside, mistakenly believing that it can do without both. Alas, the mess we are in is ample proof that life without God, is simply no life at all. Drugs, alcohol, moral laxity, lack of Gospel values, waywardness, existential sadness, emptiness and so much more reveal the void humanity is recklessly trying to fill up as it tries to make up for the emptiness within its soul after having driven God out from within its depths where deep calls unto Deep (Ps.42, 7). ‘No Jesus, no hope. Know Jesus, know hope!’ I once read. And this couldn’t be more self explanatory and true. Without the Risen Christ, Light of the world and Prince of Peace, life becomes a meandering labyrinth with no compass, no bearing, no guiding light, no EDITORIAL Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb Live Jesus. Be a light in the dark! As we come to celebrate yet another Easter, the culmination of our Christian faith as we highlight Our Lord God and sole Saviour Jesus Christ’s triumphant and eternal victory over all the evil that warps the beauty of creation within and around us, our hopes take flight and soar high as we are brought once again to the realisation that despite the lambasting and unforgiving daily news headlines which constantly reverberate with disheartening information reminding us what the lure of greed, power and hatred can do to sour human relationships and tarnish the wonder of the world we live in, let us hold tight to the undeniable gentle truth that there is still goodness, there is still hope and there is still love out there but as always empty vessels make most sound, and that is why evil appears dominant because of its discordant jarring noise. Goodness is like a calm, quiet harmony which like a soothing wave gently laps on the shore of our heart and mind, instilling peace deep within our core. Be aware of it. Jesus has won the world (Jn. 16, 33) and with and through Him, we too can be victorious, we too can be a light in the dark, we too can spread love, we too can make a difference for the better in our present b l e a k Photo by Tomoko Uji - Unsplash.com 3 April - Ġunju 2023 hajja
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