Hajja Salesjana

11. Be nostalgic Uncover lost activities or songs that once created a wonderful experience and relive those positive vibes. The powerful feeling of nostalgia can create a sense of comfort and familiarity, putting any discomfort at ease. There’s a reason so many production companies are recreating old classics: Cruella (a fresh take on 101 Dalmatians), Mary Poppins Returns (a sequel to the childhood favourite), Cinderella (a modern twist on the original), A Star is Born (the fourth to be made). 12. Create a routine By adding structure to your day, you are likely to reduce overwhelming feelings of stress. Whether it’s as simple as going for a morning walk before work or going to your favourite coffee shop for your usual order, your routine will set you up for the day at hand. 13. Laugh Not only is laughing fun to do, the boost of oxygen stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and helps to relieve you of stress. Scroll through TikTok, watch a funny television series, stream a comedy show, spend time with a friend or read a funny book – once you start, you won’t want to stop. 14. Embrace self-care It’s one of the most talked about topics recently, and for good reason. You know the saying, put your own oxygen mask on before helping others? The same goes for mental health. Take the time to relax at the end of each day and do things you enjoy – whether that’s taking a bath, going for a swim, listening to your favourite music, watching a show you love. If you take care of yourself, you’ll be able to help your loved ones too. 15. Ask for help If you’re feeling stressed, tired or overwhelmed you should always reach out for help. You’re not alone. Feeling down is more common than you probably think – more than a third of UK GP visits are about mental health, according to the Mental Health Foundation. Whether you get in touch with your friends or family, seek guidance from a counsellor or reach out to a helpline, there is always someone who can help. Photo by Antony Bec on Unsplash.com Photo by Amir Seilsepour on Unsplash.com 34 Jannar-Marzu 2023 hajja