Hajja Salesjana

By learning something, your brain creates new neural pathways for the information to travel, which in turn increases greater cognitive abilities. This can then lead to improved self- confidence, helping you to connect with others. It also gives you a great conversation starter at any social event. 7. Do something you love One of the ways to reduce stress is by doing something you enjoy, leading you to feel more fulfilled in life. Thanks to the feel-good chemicals (such as dopamine) that are released in the brain when you take part in a pleasurable activity, it makes you feel motivated to do the task again. 8. Catch the sleep bug Don’t underestimate the power of sleep. By recharging your body and your brain, you will likely wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the world. However, many of us don’t get enough sleep. For every hour of sleep you miss, there’s a 58 per cent increase in the chance of suicidal behaviour, according to Headspace. To ensure you get the best quality sleep you can, create a routine and aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, avoid using any screens at least 30 minutes before bed, limit drinking caffeine (some experts recommend no caffeine after midday) and create a peaceful environment – that might mean fresh sheets, an essential oil and a cool room. 9. Look for inspiration A great way to boost your motivation – especially if you feel like you’re stuck in a rut – is by listening to audiobooks and podcasts. Listening to a fresh idea or hearing inspiring stories can leave you feeling ready to tackle any challenge that may come your way. 10. Escape to another world When you can’t travel, immersing yourself in a different life by reading a book is the next best thing. Explore some of the favourites on The New York Times bestseller lists or upskill with an educational book written by industry experts. You can even take it a step further and share the book with a friend once you’re finished, creating an opportunity for conversation. Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash.com 33 Jannar - Marzu 2023 hajja