Hajja Salesjana

Photo by lucas wesney on Unsplash their own eyes these “fifty years of daily miracles.” The mottoes that characterize this house are: “Serving those who are ill is the best prayer.” (Fr. Mantovani) “No one has the right to be happy all by himself.” “It is possible to give without love, but it is not possible to love without giving.” The people hold that the Village of the Beatitudes is a tangible expression of the Salesians’ fidelity to serving the poor and also a concrete manifestation of Divine Providence on their behalf. For the young of the shanty towns, it is an oasis. It is a church, school, playground on which to learn how to play soccer, a gymnasium, and a home. To think that in Chennai we have fifteen Salesian communities. Among these there are parishes, middle and high schools, technical schools, oratories, youth centers, social assistance centers for children and youths at risk, houses of formation, and even a seminary. The archbishop, the clergy, and the laity, both Christian and non- Christian, greatly appreciate and value the many works carried out by the Salesians, in particular their concern for youth ministry, for the mission carried out for service to the poorest, and for the excellent flagship schools that provide quality instruction for all. All this speaks to me of the beauty of the Gospel that is passed down throughout the world, often with the strength of charity carried out in silence; it speaks to me of Don Bosco and how important it was to him to reach the most remote corners of the world. I never tire of recalling that our Salesian Family, Don Bosco’s sons and daughters, is present today in 134 countries, 72% of all the countries in the world – andthat this began in a time when there but few Salesians. Notwithstanding the small number, Don Bosco still sent out his first missionary group to Argentina to go to the Italian immigrants and then to reach the indigenous tribes. If we had remained only in Italy, Don Bosco’s charism would not be what it is today. I end this writing with the words spoken one day by a Hindu public official: “If the Christian religion can produce men such as Don Mantovani, it has to be divine.” Affectionately, Don Angel Photo by Shravan K. Acharya on Unsplash.com 30 Jannar-Marzu 2023 hajja