Hajja Salesjana

Photo by Dewang Gupta on Unsplash.com "A man died"…. When he realized it, he saw that God was approaching and had a suitcase with him. And God said: “Well son, it’s time to go.” The haunted man asked: “I have to already? Life went by so fast…? I had a lot of plans still to pursue and do….” “I'm sorry, but it's time for your departure,” said God. “What's in the bag?” asked the perplexed man. And God answered: “Your belongings!” “My belongings?! You mean my stuff, my clothes, my money?” asked the baffled man. God answered: “No, those were never yours, they were from Earth.” “So these are my memories?” asked the man. “They were never yours either, they were from the time you spent on Earth,” God answered. “Then are they my talents?,” asked the man. “Those do not belong to you either, they were the circumstances of life that brought them about…” replied God. “So are they my friends, my family?” said the man. “I'm sorry, they never belonged to you, they were your companions from the way…” God said. “Then are they my wife and kids?” said the perplexed man. “They never belonged to you, they were from your heart,” replied God. “So is it my body?!...” said the man. “It was never yours, it was dust,” replied God. “So it's my soul,” said the man. “Don't think so! That's mine,” said God. So the man full of fear took the case from God and when he opened it he realized it was empty... With a tear of helplessness sprouting in his eyes, the man said: “I never had anything?” Then God looked lovingly at the confused man and said, “Look, it's like this: Every moment you lived was yours. Life is just a moment... A moment of your own! So while you're in time, enjoy it in its entirety. Be aware that nothing you believe is yours belongs to you... Live now! Live your life! And don't forget to be happy, it's the only one thing really worth it! The material things and everything else you fight for stays here. You take nothing with you on the final journey! Cherish and love those who value you. Enjoy every second of life and do good, spread good and live in My Light by living love and spreading love as I thought you too. This is what you will take with you when you leave. All else you’ll leave behind. Love is all that matters in the end! " 24 Jannar-Marzu 2023 hajja