Hajja Salesjana

last hours of the day. Msgr. Carlos Mariano Pérez was the Salesian Provincial of the last years of Zatti’s life. His testimony about Zatti’s life of faith demonstrates his inner life: “He loved God with all his heart, with all his mind and with all his strength. Prayer was like the breath of his soul, and he was convinced that he had the omnipotence of God in his hands.” “Although material problems kept him anxious and worried, he always put the eternal before temporal things. He knew Holy Scripture and savored it, as well as the lives of the saints and ascetic treatises. All this he knew how to radiate by his example and words.” “He was a true catechist who offered the image of a man raised in the faith, capable of transmitting a sincere and disinterested faith in Christ. The poorest sick people, the most difficult cases, or patients with the most repulsive diseases, were for him the true lightning rods of San Jose Hospital. In his mind and heart he had very clear the words of Jesus: ‘Whenever you have done these things to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you have done it to me’ (Mt. 25:40).” In a letter that Artemide Zatti wrote in 1914 from Viedma to his relatives in Bahía Blanca, he expressed in a simple and direct way the steps he was taking in his life of faith, which, as Romano Guardini reminds us, is the story of a believer, in a concrete personality. Here is what the letter says: “Pray for me, who have so many needs in order to fulfill the mission that the good God in His infinite mercy has deigned to entrust to me; I do this for you every day. And with great fervor, when I think that the present life is short, very short! That of yesterday’s sufferings we have no more memory (sweet memory when one suffers for the Lord) and that the reward that awaits us is great, very great, for it is God Himself!... Sometimes I get inexplicable anguish when I think that we might lose it because of us!... But armed with faith, let us fight the Lord’s battle, and the Lord will make us deserve an eternal reward!” (Zatti’s Letters, No. 106, Salesian Historical Archives of Southern Argentina, Bahía Blanca Section). Here one can find his deep conviction of his personal experience of God, knowing that this relationship leads him to recognize and believe in divine revelation, a mystery so great that it sustains his life given to the most needy, to his sick loved ones: “And that the reward that awaits us is great, very great, because it is God himself!” Artemis’ faith was a true joy, knowing that such joy means entering into the dynamism of reality, in every moment. With his faith he engaged in community life, which for him had the form of the hospital, living with his sick brothers and sisters, the poor and needy, the last, the forgotten. Thus his joy grew in intensity. It was there that the joy, the excitement, the pleasure, the personal taste of his vocation were deposited. The intensity was “a good and abundant measure.” This was the dynamism that kept Artemide Zatti, a believer and united with the transcendent, leading him to holiness. José Sobrero, sdb 33 Ottubru - Diċembru 2022 hajja