Hajja Salesjana
In view of the canonization of Artemide Zatti, SDB, we share some articles of reflection and investigation on some traits of the future saint, prepared by the Salesian Bulletin of Argentina, the country where “the relative of the poor” lived his entire Salesian life. “There are as many stories of faith as there are believers, since each one gives himself with his own personality.” - Romano Guardini (The Life of Faith) The vital act of faith is the personal story of the believer. If we say that at the roots of faith is a gift from God, we must also make sure that this gift is received by a person. Therefore, we need to know who the person is and his or her personality, because that is where his or her faith resides. Faith as personal adherence to God has been a personal story for Zatti, leading him to holiness in concrete work, in caring for the sick, in the world of health care. “I believed, I promised, I was healed” Zatti’s Christian faith began with his baptism in Boretto, near Reggio Emilia, in the basilica of San Marco on the same day of his birth, October 12, 1880. In 1897 the Zatti- Vecchi family moved to Argentina to start a new life. They arrived in Bahía Blanca, where Uncle Luigi found them a house and the opportunity to work. On weekends they went to the parish of Our Lady of Mercede, animated by the Salesians. There young Artemis was able to deepen his faith in Jesus and get to know Don Bosco, and The believing Br. Artemide Zatti (ANS) because of this witness, he decided to become a Salesian. He went to Bernal to begin Salesian aspirancy, where he studied and worked enthusiastically. Unfortunately, while caring for a Salesian with tuberculosis, he also contracted the disease. The contagion was inevitable, but in spite of everything, he went on. He arrived in Viedma to relieve the pains of his illness. There he met Fr. Evasio Garrone, a doctor, who invited him to make a promise to Mary Help of Christians to obtain his recovery, namely a commitment to devote his life to the care of the sick in the nascent “San José” Hospital in Viedma. Artemis’ response was categorical: “I believed, I promised, I was healed,” as the Flores del Campo newspaper also reported on May 3, 1915. Believing in Mary’s intercession for his healing was a simple act of faith filled with filial love. Promising was a courageous act of trust in Providence and dedication to caring for the sick. The healing was the result of the act of faith and trust that led Artemide Zatti to be with those most in need until his death. “Prayer was like the breath of his soul” This fact is the turning point for understanding Zatti’s enormous work during the years he lived in Viedma. With faith he endured illness and directed his vocation, which he nurtured daily in union with God, from five in the morning until the 32 Ottubru - Diċembru 2022 hajja
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