Hajja Salesjana

effectively gives priority to the inner over the outer. “ Its quality depends, however, on love, because prayer is only as good as the love with which it is performed.” Its secret is to follow the attractions of grace with simplicity of heart, because “ true love knows of no method ”. There is a third kind of prayer, one very close to life and compatible with any kind of occupation. It is vital prayer . This consists in “performing all actions in love and for the love of God, so that all of life becomes a continuous prayer” . Our occupations should in no way hinder our union with God, and those who practise this kind of prayer do not run the risk of forgetting about God. “ When two people are in love with one another, their thoughts always go to the other”. Those who live pressed for time are strongly advised to find “ even brief moments of recollection to unite the heart with God with short aspirations, brief prayers and good thoughts, or to draw God into our spirit. While with the body we are in the midst of conversations and chores, with the spirit we can always remain in the presence of God”. This way, true prayer does not make one neglect the obligations of everyday life. Francis de Sales believed that this “active prayer” was better than others.. . Thus “ Life becomes continual prayer ”. Daily life is marked by fleeting moments, but “ in these moments of our life is contained, as in a kernel, the seed of eternity ”. Its quality depends on us. We can “ spend all our years, our months, our days and hours, sanctifying them through good and faithful use” . “It is important to take into account the small occasions of each day, especially the annoying little insults, the unimportant losses, the small daily acts of charity, the small inconveniences, the small humiliations, the small sufferings. The smallest of these moments can acquire extraordinary value if they are lived with love.” “It is not the quantity or greatness of the works we do that makes us pleasing to God, but the love with which we do them.” “It is love that gives perfection to our works.” Photo by lucas wesney on Unsplash 31 Ottubru - Diċembru 2022 hajja