Hajja Salesjana
devotion, each according to their quality and profession.” It is good to recall that there is a hierarchy of virtues. But charity comes first . “ Charity, like the queen bee, pulls behind it the whole retinue of other virtues that depend on it and serve us every day”: patience, humility, gentleness, diligence in everyday duties, kindness, mortification of the heart, tenderness towards others, putting up with imperfections, hold fervour; but also prudence, temperance, honesty, courage, simplicity, modesty, cordiality, affability. “ To acquire charity we also have at our disposal three great means that consecrated persons vow: obedience, poverty and chastity” . Being aware, therefore, that God also makes himself known through the things that happen in my life and in the world. The element in this spirituality that in a certain sense is the peak to be achieved is called “ holy indifference ”, summed up in the formula “ ask for nothing, refuse nothing ”. Francis starts from the principle that “ everything that happens in life (except for sin) is willed by God or at least permitted by him”. Consequently, those who truly love God prepare themselves to welcome every event, whatever it may be, as coming from the “ beneplacito divino ” or with divine approval. This frame of mind is founded on a great trust in Providence, without which nothing happens in this world. From a purely human point of view too, this confidence contributes greatly to maintaining a constant mood, especially in difficult times. “ Holy indifference ”, you see, is a virtue gained over the years. Practising this spirituality does not mean being completely passive and inert before events, but it leads us “ to want what God wants, matching my will with his”. “ Everything contributes to the good of those who love God ”, St. Paul writes. It is a spirituality that unites prayer and life. There is no Christian spirituality without prayer. Francis de Sales considers three kinds of prayer: vocal, mental and vital. He recommends vocal prayer , be it liturgical, communal or personal. “ The quality of such prayer comes from within, from the heart of the person who is praying” . In fact, God scrutinises the heart of the one who prays and not the words one says. The Bishop of Geneva even greatly appreciated mental prayer , which he recommended for everyone. It is an excellent kind of prayer because it Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash 30 Ottubru - Diċembru 2022 hajja
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