Hajja Salesjana
Francis de Sales wanted to bring religion back to life and life back to religion. The Introduction to the Devout Life does not speak of ecstasies, raptures, impassivity and deifying union, but proposes a lower but safer road , one less excellent but more suited to everyday life. For Francis, everyday life is the providential place in which I can encounter God. Francis proposes a spirituality for ordinary life, thinking about everyone. Outwardly, nothing seems to distinguish them from others; inwardly, the flame of love transforms them. God’s love in everyday life according to St. Francis de Sales Morand Wirth, sdb are called to be to bear flowers and fruit and accept the law of growth. We must not wish to achieve perfection in one fell swoop, he insisted ; we need to follow the common and ordinary route that is safer. Thus far, this spirituality seems rather passive. But this is only the departure point. From then on, it is a matter of practising the virtues in the present moment and in the providential place where God has planted us , and produce not only flowers but fruits in accordance with each one’s vocation: “At the creation, God commanded plants to bear fruit, each according to its kind: in the same way he commands Christians, who are the living plants of his Church, to bear fruits of We need to flourish where God has planted us. This is a central sentence in this spirituality. It consists first of all in honestly loving our state of life. “ We need to love what God loves; now, he loves our vocation; so let us also love it, and let us not waste time thinking about the vocation of others ”. So there is a need to keep an eye on our desires, since they risk leading us up a blind alley, or in other words into serious error. We need to put our desires in order and turn them into works as the time and opportunity arise . We often waste so much time trying to be good angels, while neglecting to be real human beings. So, there is a need to learn to take pleasure in being where we 29 Ottubru - Diċembru 2022 hajja
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