Hajja Salesjana July-September 2022
compassion to those around us or are we egocentric people intent on getting wealthy at the cost of life’s pure values, seeing others as mere competitors in life and not as fellow travellers on life’s tortuous voyage, mowing them down if they dare cross our path? Furthermore have you ever been with someone and shared a joke with them and then saw your friend’s face literally beaming up and lighting up with a broad smile. It is astounding and truly touching how someone’s face can really and truly transform so beautifully when he/she smiles, no matter the age. A smile truly reflects the beauty of one’s soul! Indeed a genuine smile is free but it can graciously touch hearts, melt one’s sorrows and assuage one’s pain making it more bearable. A smile is truly a gift we can all freely share and offer to one another making one another’s lives better and more wholesome reminding one another that despite all the harrowing daily News headlines, there is still goodness around and that we are all companions on life’s same journey. Being stingy with smiles is certainly no way to be! By giving a smile away, you will only grow richer for you would have gently and fragrantly touched someone else’s life. Indeed, a smile is the most important thing you are to wear daily. So strive to wear it as often as you can because your smile could be a reason for others to smile too. It will certainly confuse an approaching frown. It can brighten someone’s day and lift their spirits from the doldrums. The more authentic one is the more radiant one’s smile will be. Indeed while beauty is powerfully attractive, a smile is its sword. Just think about it, because of your signature smile, you are making the world a nicer place to be, you are colouring it with friendship and peace, you’re making a difference here and now. According to the humble little giant of holiness Mother Teresa of Calcutta, “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” The ball is now in our court. So as we perhaps enjoy a slower and calmer pace of life during these warm summer months, taking advantage for more quality time with ourselves, with those whom we love and hold dear and with God Himself, let us take time to do good, live love and yes, authentically and genuinely, graciously and lovingly smile often.... Yet as St. Francis de Sales wisely reminds us, “All is to be done out of love, nothing out of constraint!” By giving a smile away, you will only grow richer for you would have gently and fragrantly touched someone else’s life. ” “ Photo by Alin Andersen - www.unsplash.com 4 Lulju - Settembru 2022 hajja
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