Hajja Salesjana July-September 2022

Visit our social media platforms in English, French, Italian, and Spanish https://www.museocasadonbosco.it Museo Casa Don Bosco museo_casadonbosco Francis’ death at 55 years of age. An Incorruptible. Francis spent his last days on earth at the Visitation Convent in Lyon where he had gone on a diplomatic mission with Card. Maurice of Savoy. He died there on December 28, 1622 of a cerebral hemorrhage. He was 55 years old.Buried on January 29, 1623 at the first Visitation community, the Église de la Sainte Source . He was beatified in 1661 and canonized in 1665 by Alexander VII. Francis is one of the Church’s “incorruptible” saints whose bodies are miraculously preserved after death, defying the natural process of decomposition. Today, his remains are venerated, together with those of Jane Francis de Chantal, at the Visitation Basilica in Annecy. Chasuble for St. Francis de Sales sewn and embroidered by St. Jeanne de Chantal 28 Lulju - Settembru 2022 hajja