Hajja Salesjana April-June 2022
too can barge against all that holds us down and grow through the pain. It is said that alas if there is no pain and no challenging circumstances, there will be no gain and no growth. Only when we are uncomfortable will we stretch and grow beyond our comfort zones. Only when we risk to let go and let God, will He be able to forge His beautiful masterpiece in the mundane of our everyday lives where He slowly but surely hones us more and more into His image and likeness. Let us therefore allow the Risen Christ to continue working in and through us and despite all that swirls around us, despite the shackling reality of Covid, despite the astounding and heart rending ravages of the war in Ukraine and the ominous repercussions that could follow on a global scale, thus leading us to discouragement and to shifting our focus from Eternity, let us learn to believe and hold firm to the truth that Life, Love, Mercy, Beauty, Unity, Justice, Goodness and Peace WILL eventually have the final word. Have a blessed, serene and healthy Easter. Photo by Laurentu Lordache - www.unsplash.com The most beautiful people we've met are those who have known defeat, suffering, effort, loss and found their way out of the dark. ” “ 4 April - Ġunju 2022 hajja
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