Hajja Salesjana April-June 2022

whomever we meet. This is needed now more than ever before especially due to the unleashed evil taking place in Ukraine at the moment, events that are crushing our hearts and impelling us to reach out, support and help this besieged strong nation. All this reminds me of a wonderful quote I once read from the brilliant Elisabeth Kübler-Ross who once wisely said: "The most beautiful people we've met are those who have known defeat, suffering, effort, loss and found their way out of the dark. These people have an esteem, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, kindness and an interest of deep love. Beautiful people don't just happen; they are formed..." So when things seem dark and bleak, when the road ahead seems like a winding uphill climb, when strength dwindles, when lights flicker and our hope is like a flame struggling to remain alight in a roaring hurricane, may we never ever forget that our God, who also knew apparent defeat on the cross, who suffered more than we can ever fathom for us all in His passion, who made every effort to go against the fear that trickled in bloody sweat on his forehead in Gethsemane so as to do the Father’s will till the end, is always with us, understanding us and holding us close. With Him we too can rise again. With Him we too can be victorious, with Him we EDITORIAL Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb Beautiful people don't just happen; they are formed. As Spring gently returns colouring our lush, green countryside with bobbing wild flowers, dressed in myriad hues of natural beauty, bringing milder weather, fragrant country air and the celebration of Easter, the crux, culmination and heart of our faith, we are reminded that darkness, death, sterility, emptiness, evil, sadness, greed, ambition and ruthlessness can never and will never have the final word. Jesus Christ, the Darling of Heaven, risen triumphantly from the dead has definitely, once and for all, smashed through these apparently impregnable bulwarks, which sometimes run rampant in our modern, comsumeristic, h e d o n i s t i c and power- driven societies. He has victoriously dashed them into smithereens. With Him, in Him and through Him we too can overcome all that tie us down, discourage us and keep us fromsoaring high in doing God’s will for us. With Him and like Him, we too can strive to leave heartprints of goodness wherever we go and with Photo by Timo C Dinger - www.unsplash.com 3 April - Ġunju 2022 hajja