Hajja Salesjana April-June 2022

Visit our social media platforms in English, French, Italian, and Spanish https://www.museocasadonbosco.it Museo Casa Don Bosco museo_casadonbosco Networking in Rome and Paris In the autumn 1598 Francis leaves for Rome where he spends precious months experiencing Philip Neri’s Oratory. He completes his qualification in canon law, upon which he was appointed coadjutor bishop in March 1599, even though he would only be ordained bishop December 8, 1602, in the church of Thorens. In 1602 Francis begins a prolonged sojourn (January-April?) in Paris where he is well received at the court of King Henry IV. More importantly, he breathes the spiritual renewal that was reviving 17th century France. He encounters two of the renewal’s great personalities: the future Cardinal Pierre de Bérulle and Madame Acarie (Barbara Avrillot) whose home had become a spiritual cenacle, invigorating France with Teresa of Avila’s Carmelite spirituality. Episcopacy Francis assumes full responsibility for the pastoral leadership of his diocese. A bishop who sought no honours, he was simple, meek, patient and driven to proclaim by word and action the catholicism of the Council of Trent (1545-1563). His diocese numbered 450 Catholic and 130 Protestant parishes; he celebrated 13 synods and within five years (1605-1610) completed the pastoral visitation of his entire diocese. Chapter of Geneva'. On December 18, 1593, Francis is ordained a priest. Francis’ first priestly mission: the Chablais mission The first years of Francis’ priestly ministry are intensely apostolic. In 1594, he begins a prolonged preaching mission in the province of Chablais which had been conquered by Duke Charles Emmanuel I and had embraced Calvinism. With his cousin Louis, Francis establishes his ministry at the fortress of Des Allinges, and choses the church of St. Hippolytus, in Thonon, as his public preaching venue. His pastoral style was simple: theological clarity, boundless patience and copious pamphlets distributed and posted ubiquitously. This bold and effective missionlasted throughout the winter of 1598 and ended with solemn eucharistic celebrations at Annemasse. Meanwhile, Francis had received orders from Clement VIII to meet Theodore de Bèze (Calvin's successor) in Geneva, with whom he established a serene spiritual friendship. Chablais Sorbonne University 28 April - Ġunju 2022 hajja