Hajja Salesjana

a God characterized by profound humanity. The heart, chosen as a symbol for the Order of the Visitation which he founded, is the most eloquent sign of his entire human and spiritual heritage: “The humanism of Francis, his desire and ability to enter into dialogue with everyone, the great value he gives to friendship, so important for personal accompaniment in the way Don Bosco will interpret it, everything is built on the solid foundations of the heart, as Francis lived it” . Between providence and loving-kindness From the way of feeling the heart of God and opening the heart to the others derive the sense of Providence and the loving- kindness of St. Francis de Sales, which Don Bosco reinterprets in his educational system. The expression ‘holy indifference’ that he uses in his writings is a concrete manifestation of the sense of Providence, “I trust without reserve in the heart of God, and this disposes me to embrace any detail that the sequence of events and circumstances presents before me each day. I have ‘nothing to ask for and nothing to refuse’ with respect to what I know to be in the hands of God in any case” . Kindness is “sweetness of heart, before behavior, towards the neighbor, even when unfriendly and very unpleasant as a character; it is a reflection of the same trust, this time in regard to the human heart, always open to the action of God and always destined for the fullness of life” . The internship of the mission in Chiablese and Don Bosco’s Da mihi animas The mission, in particular the difficult experience of evangelization in Chiablese between 1593 and 1596, gives substance to Photo by James Wheeler - www.unsplash.com 8 Jannar-Marzu 2022 hajja