Hajja Salesjana

6 Jannar-Marzu 2022 hajja missionary in Africa, and before long, the two had fallen in love and became engaged to be married. Their decision to live a chaste engagement, which they openly shared with their friends, stood out in the university and youth culture around them. Sandra spoke of the need for holy men and women to strive not only to avoid evil but to aim for greatness: “Today there are too many merely good Christians, while the world needs saints.” Sadly, her own dreams of medical missionary work were not realized; in 1984, when she was only 23, she was killed in a car accident. Her legacy lives on, however, in her example of holiness, which continues to inspire and encourage many people today. On October 2, 2019, Pope Francis approved amiracle through the intercession of Sandra, paving the way for her future beatification. One more miracle is required before she can be declared a “saint.” On behalf of the Salesians in Malta, as the editor of Ħajja Salesjana I wish to thank all those various benefactors who sent money tokens in response to our Christmas 2021 Appeal so that we can continue to print this magazine in full colour and provide it to you free of charge four times annually. No matter the amount given, thank you wholeheartedly for your con- tribution, for your kindness and generosity. It is much appreciated. I would have wished to thank you all personally but time constraints and other various pastoral commitments make this practically impossible as I am sure you all understand. However, rest assured that I will keep you all in my humble prayers so that the Lord Jesus and His Mother may repay you a hundredfold for what you kindly offered. I trust that you will enjoy the new fresh layout of Ħajja Salesjana. God bless you and thank you again!