Hajja Salesjana

never rushed around even though he knew He was the awaited Messiah and had the most important mission ever, that of saving humanity of all time. Nowhere in Scripture are we informed that he ran around, struggling to catch his breath as he rushed from one miracle or sermon to another... He did all in its timing with a dignified calm, with a contagious inner serenity and with an integrity that drew others to Him like a magnet. His eyes flashed pure joy, his gentle tone of voice opened hearts and minds and revolutionised lives forever, his pace was inviting and most important of all, he acknowledged those whose life paths he crossed. He had and made time for them all, He saw them, noticed them and smiled at them touching their lives forever, in so doing. And all this was possible because He was not held hostage to hurry. Instead He was the One who subdued rushing around by His humble calm majesty, reminding us that we are to learn from Him so that we can truly live the wondrous beauty that is life and not merely exist, blinded by all sorts of consumeristic lies, whims and fancies that drain our energy and suck the joy out of our limited time here on Earth as we journey towards our eternal Homeland. We are human beings and not human doings! When will we ever learn this undeniable fact? Why must we stumble into burnout or face health issues of all sorts caused by our inhuman lifestyles, before we actually opt to journey through life with this Jesus pace?... As we commence a new year, may this be our challenge for 2022 so that we may realise that life is God’s gift to us. And what we ultimately make out of it will be our gift back to Him when we’ll see Him face to Face one day. Let us emulate Jesus and learn from Him never to be held hostage to hurry. It is just not worth it! Life is way too short to go through it rushing headlong. Appreciate and savour its beauty now for that is all you have, and if you do so day by day, you will truly live life to the full! Life is way too short to go through it rushing headlong. Appreciate and savour its beauty now for that is all you have ” “ Photo by Kevin Ianeselli - www.unsplash.com 4 Jannar-Marzu 2022 hajja