Hajja Salesjana

Recently I came across an article entitled ‘Hostage to Hurry’ which captivated my attention and which I have now printed in this issue so as to share it with you. It is too good to keep it only for myself. Admittedly, I have found it’s insights intriguing and interesting as it sets a different perspective to the important awareness that we must learn to refrain from being duped into the rampant illusion of today that stress, rush, hurry, anxiety and overwork are the new badges of honour to be proudly worn and carried around by us as a flimsy sign for all to see that we are ‘important’, that we are ‘of value’ and that we are in ‘great demand’ because of all our skills, talents and insights! This could not be farther away from the truth! Let us not allow ourselves to be tricked into this blatant and popular lie which we often fall for because we seem to have totally forgotten that our intrinsic value comes from being who we actually are in God’s eyes: We are His very own sons and daughters, yes each and every one of us. All our importance, all our value is in Him and not in what we do or in who others think we are. Read that again and cherish its fundamental truth! The sooner we take on board this perennial truth, the freer we will be and the more we will live life at the human pace we are meant to live it. Let us stop running and rushing around in all directions like hapless, headless chickens without accomplishing anything much and instead let us learn to savour the moment and appreciate those who are with us on life’s journey, before it’s too late. Let’s stop being addicted and stuck to our mobile phones and instead allow ourselves to be overtaken by the beauty of life all around us. Let us learn to be kinder and nicer to each other, treating one another with respect, aware that we all struggle in some form or other. Remember that some wounds are invisible to the eye and some people know how to hide them better than others! Only if we go through life with this life -giving pace will we be able to live it with deeper awareness and appreciation and consequently yes, with more authenticity and inner calm. Jesus Christ himself has taught us just this mode of being by living it himself when he walked the streets of Galilee and Jerusalem. He taught this to us by doing it Himself. He who is God and man, EDITORIAL Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb Are you held hostage to hurry? Painting by Steve Gamba 3 Jannar-Marzu 2022 hajja