Hajja Salesjana - Oct-Dec 2021

5 H AJJA S ALESJANA (...) Pope Francis says that Mary reminds us that the secret to the journey from our earthly to our heavenly life is contained in the word "humility" . He says Mary's Assumption shows us that God calls you too to this glorious destiny. Addressing the faithful gathered in Saint Peter's Square for the Sunday Angelus on August 15th Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven, Pope Francis offered his opening reflections on the importance of this Feast, saying "Mary’s secret is humility." God looks at the heart, he said, and Mary's humility drew God's gaze to her. He observed that often times the human eye is instead overtaken with appearances and grandeur, while overlooking the essential importance of humility. By looking to Mary assumed into heaven, the Pope said we see how "humility is the way that brings her to Heaven". To rise up to Heaven, we need to be humble he said, noting the origin of the word humble comes from the Latin word humus meaning "earth". Our gifts or wealth are not what will allow us to be exalted by God, but instead it is our humility, our loving and serving God in total giving that matters, the Pope underscored. This means we should examine ourselves and how we are doing with humility in our own lives, the Pope said. We need to ask ourselves if we are often seeking affirmation and praise only for ourselves, or if we could put more emphasis on serving. Do we listen, like Mary, or desire to be the one always talking in order to have the attention and praise. Do we try to lower tensions between people and find unity, or do we try to always dominate the situation? These are important questions to ask ourselves, the Pope said, and especially when looking to the Madonna, saying "in her littleness, Mary wins heaven first", because she recognized her Editor’s note: May and October are typically Marian months and this wonderful reflection shared by Pope Francis on Mary’s Assumption is just as valid now as it was in August. May Mary’s example always spur us onwards and forwards in fully living our faith here and now. Mary's Humility by Vatican News staff reporter