Hajja Salesjana - Oct-Dec 2021

Dear readers of Ħajja Salesjana, While I thank you for your interest in our magazine which knows its origins way back to Don Bosco himself, we kindly turn to you as we do at this time of the year, to ask for your financial support. As you are well aware, �ajja Salesjana is posted to you four times annually completely free of charge, yet to print it in full colour, as you can surely surmise, costs us a hefty ammount of money. Indeed, as Salesians of Don Bosco we are glad to present Ħajja Salesjana to you in this very attractive format and are happy to note from your feedback how many of you find the various and diverse articles we provide you with in each issue, as beneficial and useful readings which strenghten your faith, give hope to your future and nourish the Christian love you daily strive to live by at home and wherever you go. That’s our aim, to support you in being good Christians and honest citizens. Hence, in the name of the Salesian Vice Province of Malta, may I respectfully appeal to you to aid us financially by sending the donation you can afford. Every little bit counts and sure enough, the Lord Jesus will abundantly bless your generosity and kindness because in so doing, you will be assisting us to continue to spread the Good News in more ways than one through this Salesian magazine. Should you send donations by cheque pleasewrite themtome the editor, hereunder signed i.e. Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb, so as to facilitate transaction at the Banks. Kindly mail the cheque or cash to the address found hereunder aswell. While I thank you for your generosity, I assure you my humble prayers before Our Eucharistic Lord Jesus and ask for His and His Mother’s blessings and protection upon you and all your loved ones. Sincerely in Don Bosco, Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb Editor Name Amount donated in cash or cheque (Kindly note that cheques sent are not to be less than € 20 otherwise they will not be accepted or exchanged at the banks. Your collaboration is much appreciated.) Please specify: Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb, Óajja Salesjana Editor, Savio College, Buskett Road, Dingli DGL 2702, Malta