Hajja Salesjana - Oct-Dec 2021

1854 to 1860. We were about a hundred young people and we saw how the fame of sanctity already surrounded Don Bosco. His arrival in the villages was a triumph. The parish priests of the surrounding area and usually the civil authorities also came out to meet him. The people looked out of the windows or went out into the streets and the farmers left their tasks to see the Saint… All of Don Bosco’s pedagogy is encapsulated in these autumn outings: familiarity and camaraderie; joy and celebration; a time to walk, as one walks along the paths of life; space for conversation and friendship; and Don Bosco’s good and kind presence. Like that of an adult accompanying another along his/ her journey, he has a good and kind word for everyone and extends a gesture of closeness and solidarity with those who show greater difficulty in reaching the goal. The music and the celebration flooded their hearts and reawakened enthusiasm in those young people. They were happy to be close to this father whom they admired so much and to whom they were so grateful. In perfect marching formation and playing their musical instruments, the advent of Don Bosco’s boys in those small villages of Piedmont must have been quite an event. God walked with them The boys were filled with wonder and joy. To Don Bosco, it seemed as if he were in heaven 29 H AJJA S ALESJANA as he rejoiced at the smiles of his young people and their festive songs. Prayer and benediction with the Blessed Sacrament in the village church were a constant. Their father's affection was rendered worthy of their trust thanks to the familiarity they experienced along the way. Without knowing it, many of those young people would continue to travel with him throughout their lives—much greater than the hills of Monferrato. I am thinking now about how important it is for us to invite our adolescents and young adults, our “digital natives” who live immersed in the digital world, to experience the richness of personal encounters (and not through a telephone screen): the precious exercise of listening to each other; of laughing together; of being silent during a simple prayer; of marveling at a sunset; of experiencing the joy of greeting the elderly who are resting for a while on their porch, watching people pass by— they who have already lived life abundantly, thanks be to God. I leave you these words which the Pope addressed to us Salesians at our General Chapter: “I like to think that we are still very capable of dreaming and of helping others dream.” With all my heart, I wish you well. Don Angel Photo by Austin Distel - www.unsplash.com