Hajja Salesjana July-September 2021
9 H AJJA S ALESJANA with faith, devotion, reverence and awe but especially with a passionate love. Whenever possible, go to daily Mass. Arrive early to prepare yourself. Offer your own private intentions. Participate in Holy Mass fully, actively and consciously. Receive Holy Communion as if it were your first Holy Communion, last Holy Communion and only Holy Communion. Be exceedingly thankful for your faith in such a sublime and august Mystery! Do not rush out of the Church after Mass, as if your pants were on fire! Rather, spend some time after Holy Mass to render abundant thanks to Jesus for such a sublime gift. Actually the word “Eucharist” means Thanksgiving . What a sublime gift, free of charge. The only condition is lively faith and a heart overflowing with love for Jesus the greatest of all lovers! 9. A.C.T.S Remember the four principal ends or purpose of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass—A.C.T.: A—stands for adoration : The primary purpose of Holy Mass is to offer adoration to God the Father, by the offering of Jesus the Victim and through the power of the Holy Spirit. C—stands for contrition : Our hearts should be contrite, humble and repentant of our many sins. It is a great practice to offer our Mass and Holy Communion in reparation for our sins, the sin of our families as well as in reparation for the sins of the whole world. “For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.” T—stands for thanksgiving : Everything that we have in this life—with the exception of our own sins—is a pure gift from God. Therefore we should be overflowing and abounding in thanksgiving. “With the Psalmist let us pray: ‘Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His Love endures forever.’” S—Stands for supplication : in other words we should offer prayers of fervent intercession and petition for the many needs of the world: the world at large, the Church, the conversion of sinners, the sick, the dying, our own personal family needs, the souls in purgatory and much more. 10. E U C H A R I S T I C MISSIONARY As Mary received Jesus in the Annunciation and promptly and quickly brought Jesus to her cousin Elizabeth, so should we bring Jesus to others, and others to Jesus. This can be done in a very concrete manner by encouraging Catholic lost sheep wandering in the wilderness back to the fold. The second largest religious group in the United States are non-practicing Catholics. Find the time, manner, effort and initiative to invite some lost soul back to Church. Hopefully he or she can make a good confession and return to the reception of Holy Communion and to the loving embrace of God the Father. All this might take place if you simply trust God and take the initiative to welcome them back! God is so loving and good! Share the Good News to the entire world! Photo by Erica Viana www.unsplash.com
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