Hajja Salesjana July-September 2021
7 H AJJA S ALESJANA 1. FAITH Beg the Lord for a greater faith in the sublime mystery of the most Holy Eucharist. Let us say with the Apostle Saint Thomas: “My Lord and my God.” Let us also pray the prayer of the man in the Gospel: “Lord I believe but strengthen my faith!” 2. VISIT Make it a habit to visit the most Blessed Sacrament as often as possible. "Whenever I see a church, I stop to make a visit so that when I die, the Lord will not say: Who is it?" Hopefully, when we die, Jesus will not have to reproach us with these words. Friends meet to chat, talk and enjoy each other's company; so should we, in visiting and talking frequently to Jesus. 3. SPIRITUAL COMMUNION Highly recommended by St. Alphonsus Liguori as well as Pope Benedict XVI in his document “Sacramentum Caritatis” is the frequent practice of the Spiritual Communion. It can be done in a simple manner and as often as your heart desires. You can say the simple prayer: “Jesus I believe that you are truly present in the Tabernacle in your Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Now I cannot receive you sacramentally but come at least spiritually into my heart.” Then enter into your heart and thank, praise and love the Lord who has come spiritually into your soul. This can fan the flame of love for our Eucharistic Lord. 4. READ JOHN 6 The Gospel of John, chapter six has three parts: Jesus multiplies the loaves, walks on water and then He gives a sublime discourse related to the Eucharist; actually it is a Eucharistic prophecy. Best known as the “Bread of Life discourse”, Jesus promises to give us the Bread of Life. Also Jesus points out in no unclear terms that our immortal salvation depends upon our eating His Body and drinking His Blood, which obviously refers to Holy Communion. Read and meditate on this powerful chapter! 5. FIFTEEN MINUTES Years ago there was published a small booklet with the title “The fifteen minutes”. It is a little gem where Jesus encourages the reader to enter into simple but profound conversation with Him. Basically Jesus wants to be our Best Friend and challenges us to open up the secret mysteries of our heart to Him for only He can
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