Hajja Salesjana July-September 2021

28 H AJJA S ALESJANA people look for in the world but cannot find. I could see that the difficulties of life can be overcome with help, with closeness, and with a smile at the end of an afternoon. I came to know that the priests in this house where I spent much time can be good friends and counselors and that nothing is more beautiful than the action of God in our lives. I can’t say it was always easy. Many times feelings of fatigue and f r u s t r a t i o n surfaced, and many times I wanted to abandon the difficulties and the work, but, f ortunate l y , like Don Bosco, I met people (whose faces I remember with great fondness), who supported me at all times. They did not “let me go.” They were people who opened their hearts and showed and taught me how to love as Jesus loved and as the Father and Teacher of Youth loved his boys. So, I was able to join the Missionary Team, the Corazón de Jesús (Heart of Jesus) Group, and the Saint Dominic Savio Oratory, where I dedicate my time and which, simply, means so much to me because of the smiles of the children I know and I feel that everything is worth it. I know that I have been talking a lot, but none of these words that I have spoken or that are written here would be enough to show my gratitude and my affection to this man of faith, who gave himself for us young people and to those who continue to do the same today — the Salesians and the men and women in these houses of Don Bosco. It is wonderful. Thank you for everything and for being our Rector Major. With great affection, Elian T.S. There you have the letter from this young woman. I don’t know where she is now. Maybe she is at University or starting another phase of her life. Maybe she has a job, or maybe she is thinking about her future and the plans for her life, maybe. But what I do not doubt is that what she carries in her heart (and this letter is a small, but precious sample of it) will give her the strength to be a great woman and to give the best of herself to others. That’s what education and families are all about: to prepare us for life so we may always give the best of ourselves to others. May the Lord of Life bless you all. Don Angel