Hajja Salesjana July-September 2021
13 H AJJA S ALESJANA breakthrough. The important thing is to know is the Light of God is always present: always. Darkness may be the absence of light, but not His Light. And when we consider darkness, we should realize how little light it takes to break through it, to serve to guide and enlighten us — even a pinprick of light can be our way out of a “coal mine.” Just a little light defeats enormous darkness. No matter how large a room, lighting a match will cause a surprisingly huge effect — lend guidance, lend sight, showing the way out. All it takes is a little luminosity to overcome obscurity. It’s like that “exit” sign in a movie theatre. With God, there is an exit out of any situation. The key is to focus on the right light and follow Him. In this way does the dirt become even a friend — forced to nourish the seeds we are, compose the soil we rise from. The key is to grow upward. Photo by Joshua Lanzarini www.unsplash.com How many times in your life have you felt “buried”? Perhaps it’s now. Perhaps you’re buried with work. Perhaps you’re buried with concerns. Perhaps you’re buried by depression, or by what others have done or said. Perhaps you’re buried with emotions, addictions. Perhaps you’re buried by boredom. Sometimes God may plant us deep because he wants our roots to be strong. We can always germinate. We can always grow and purify. We can always burst through the ground. Yes, it takes effort. There may be a rock in the way, or a root. The ground may be hard clay. We may have to grow around an obstacle. We may have to fend off weeds... At times there is no water! But grow we can, surging upward and bursting forth like a sunflower into the Light of God on the glorious, appointed day.
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