Hajja Salesjana April-June 2021

7 H AJJA S ALESJANA them enough books as a child? Spend enough time playing with them? How many school parties did you have to miss? Do they really know how much you love them? What could I have done better as a parent? When it’s time for them to go, it all hits you like a ton of bricks. And all you can do is pray, hope and trust that God will protect them as they start to make their way into the world alone. Parenting is by far the most amazing experience of your life that at times leaves you exhilarated while other times, leaves you heartbroken. But one thing is certain, it’s never enough time... So for all the parents with young children whose days are spent trying to figure out how to make it through the madness. Exhausted day in and day out... Soak. It. All. In. Because one day, all those crazy days full of cartoons, snuggles, sleepovers, Christmas morning magic, ballgames, practices and late night dinners... All come to an end. And you’re left hoping that you did enough right, so that when they spread their wings.... They’ll fly... Photo by Bruno Nascimento www.unsplash.com