Hajja Salesjana April-June 2021

29 H AJJA S ALESJANA I WILL NOT GO TO CHURCH ANYMORE! A young man goes to confess and says to the priest: - Father, I won't go to church anymore! The priest asked: - But why? The young man replied: - I see the Sister talking bad about another Sister; the brother who doesn't read well; the singing group that sounds aweful; the people who look at their phone during the mass and many other bad things I see being done in church. The priest says to him: - Very good, but first I want you to do me a favour. Take a glass full of water and do three laps around the church without spilling a drop of water on the ground. After having done that, you can then leave the church. And the young man thought: Fine, that’s very easy! And he made the three rounds like Father had asked him to do. When he finished he said: - I'm done Father. And the priest answered: - When you were going around, did you see the Sister talking bad about the other one? The young man: - No! No! The priest then asked him: - Have you seen people complaining to each other? The young man: - No! No! Father asked again: Did you see anyone looking at their phone? The young man: - No! No! Then Father told him: - Do you know why this is so?... It is because you were focused on the glass so you wouldn't drop water on the ground! The same thing occurs in our life. When one approaches our Lord Jesus Christ sincerely, we won't have time to see other people's mistakes. Who leaves Church because of people, is because they never came in for Jesus in the first place! Top photo by Josh Applegate from www.unsplash.com