Hajja Salesjana April-June 2021

28 H AJJA S ALESJANA We can tell many, many stories like this one from our own Salesian educational history from all over the world. We are speaking precisely of that great truth: Love has a power that transforms everything. Love nurtures and heals. Love gives confidence in oneself; it strengthens and empowers. Love moves hearts and life and has the strength to move the world and our lives within it. It is too bad that we often act otherwise! Why do we so often struggle because we hold onto grudges, and foment rivalries and confrontations, rather than create spaces of understanding and peace? Did our God make us so imperfect that even while knowing that Love can do everything, it is very difficult for us to live on Love every minute, every hour, every day – or did He simply make us for Love and we confuse and block ourselves with many other things? I wish you all the best, my friends of the Salesian Bulletin and I encourage you to join together to be part of this great group of millions of people who believe in the power of Love because "GOD IS LOVE." (I Jn. 4:8) Don Ángel There's no greater love than this.