Hajja Salesjana April-June 2021

22 H AJJA S ALESJANA life: students of rhetoric, philosophy, theology; a few in sacred orders… [There were] twenty- two of us, besides Don Bosco who was kneeling by the table on which the crucifix stood, who took vows as prescribed by our rules… After this, Don Bosco, standing up, addressed a few words to us for our peace of mind and to give us greater courage for the future: "Who knows but that the Lord may wish to use this Society to achieve much good in His Church! Twenty-five or thirty years from now, if the Lord continues to help us as He has done so far, our Society may count a thousand members in different countries…" Paolo Albera was seventeen years old. From that moment on, the Salesian Congregation would be his life. Many thought that Don Bosco's work was complete. They did not take into account his formidable creative vision. It was precisely to this timid, serious cleric, Paul Albera,that Don Bosco revealed his next step at the end of that year: "Paolino, our Church of St. Francis de Sales is too small: it cannot hold all our young people unless they stand on top of each other. Therefore, we shall build another more beautiful, more spacious, and more magnificent one and we will name it: the Church of Mary Help of Christians." Don Bosco's health was causing greater and greater concern, but the "Salesian revolution" was only just beginning. In 1863, a first group of Salesians, all very young, swarmed from Valdocco to found a house in Mirabello, Monferrato. This was the first step of an expansion that continues yet today, 157 years later. During his five years at Mirabello, Paul Albera exhibited prodigious abilities. He taught in the high school, completed his theology studies, and was awarded a degree in literature from the University of Turin. He was ordained a priest in 1868 and Don Bosco called him back to Torino for he needed someone to take over for him with the process of accepting young lads into the Oratory. This was a very delicate task requiring a great deal of common sense and a caring heart: qualities which Paul Albera did not lack. In the two years that he held this office, during which he learned much about human suffering, he was also on the General Council of the new Society. "He will be my second..." Don Bosco had extraordinary intuition where people's natures were concerned. It was one of his many secrets. He knew that behind the reserved and meek appearance of Paul Albera there existed a stalwart soul and an iron will. Therefore, in October 1871, he sent Paolo to open a new house in the suburbs of Marassi, near Genoa. The young priest was just 26 years old, taking on a task that would have made anyone tremble. Paolo thought he should bring a few hundred francs with him to be able to meet the first necessary expenses and asked Don Bosco for authorization. Our good father looked at him with a smile and asked him to hand over the money. Don Bosco then gave him back the exact amount he would need to pay for the trip for himself and his companions, saying: "Don't worry! As to tomorrow, the Lord will provide!" Don Albera understood Don Bosco's message perfectly. From that moment on, for his entire life, he abandoned himself completely to Providence, just like Don Bosco. And the Lord, through many charitable people, did come to the aid of the new Institute - so much so that the following year it could be moved to a larger and more comfortable location in Sampierdarena and enjoy a development that still amazes one today. It also became the seat of another work founded by the Venerable Paul Albera which would soon give the Church many good priests: "The Work of Mary Help of Christians for Late (Adult) Vocations to the Ecclesiastical State", or, as we know it: "The Sons of Mary". Naturally, difficulties cropped up. To those