Hajja Salesjana January-March 2021

8 H AJJA S ALESJANA Heaven is an attainable goal On the 10th October 2020 thousands sang and applauded as Italian teen Carlo Acutis was beatified in a town dear to him and to many Christians around the world: Assisi. During the Oct. 10 beatification Mass, Italian Cardinal Agostino Vallini, the papal legate for the Basilicas of St. Francis and St. Mary of the Angels in Assisi, read Pope Francis’ apostolic letter proclaiming Acutis’ “blessed,” the last step before canonization. “With our apostolic authority, we grant that the venerable servant of God, Carlo Acutis, layman, who, with the enthusiasm of youth, cultivated a friendship with our Lord Jesus, placing the Eucharist and the witness of charity at the center of his life, henceforth shall be called blessed,” the pope decreed. After the reading of the apostolic letter, the newly beatified teen’s parents, Andrea Acutis and Antonia Salzano, processed toward the altar carrying a reliquary containing their son’s heart. The reliquary was engraved with one of the teen’s well-known quotes: “The Eucharist is my highway to heaven.” Pilgrims flocked both to the Basilica of St. Francis for the beatification Mass as well as to the Shrine of the Renunciation at the Church of St. Mary Major, where the newly beatified teen’s remains were on display for veneration. Men and women, boys and girls passed by the tomb quietly, some stopping to pray People sittingoutside theBasilicaofSt.Francis inAssisias theyattend thebeatificationMass ofCarloAcutis inAssisi, Italy,Oct.10.TheMasswasheld inside thebasilicabutmeasures toprevent the spreadofCOVID-19meant thatmostof theattendees satoutside. (CNSphoto/ JunnoArochoEsteves) Report by Junno Arocho Esteves (CNS)