Hajja Salesjana January-March 2021

28 H AJJA S ALESJANA we have for the good of the young . Never stop accompanying or believing in us . Thankyou so much for everything!" There ends the witness of this young woman. Listening to Eusibeth before 800 young people on a warm afternoon in Caracas made me think about how much Don Bosco believed in his boys, in their capabilities, in their potential, in the goodness that is in each young person's heart. What Don Bosco knew and believed 160 years ago continues today in all parts of the world. It is not true that today's youth do not have a beautiful heart. Certainly, there are young people who travel a path of confusion, slavery and death while still alive ... Young people who really need to be saved. But there are many others, millions and millions - the young people whom I met together with Eusibeth are proof of this - who believe in life, in the beauty of love, in the beauty of sharing, and in the fullness of meaning which God gives them. Is it still possible for us to say such things today, in these times? I say an adamant “yes”. Keep well and may the good Lord fill you with His peace, dear friends. Don Ángel Photo by Zachary Nelson from www.unsplash.com