Hajja Salesjana January-March 2021

FEARLESS YOUNG PROPHETS THE MESSAGE OF THE RECTOR MAJOR DON ÁNGEL FERNÁNDEZ ARTIME 26 H AJJA S ALESJANA I greet you very cordially, dear friends and readers of the Salesian Bulletin, the publication so dear to Don Bosco’s heart. I want to share with you today a sample of the wonderful witness young people are giving, through the words of a young Venezuelan woman. Earlier this year I visited Venezuela again and there I participated in a beautiful National Encounter with their young people. For that occasion, a young lady, Eusibeth, had written a message in her own handwriting and with her own words to express something that was very dear to her heart. In a public address at that encounter, she delivered her message, speaking also in the name of the generous, hopeful and suffering young people of that beautiful land. This is what she shared: “Dear Don Ángel, From the depths of our hearts we thank the Lord for your visit to our country and for taking time to meet with us, your young people, whom we know are very much beloved to you . With these words, I wish to express the feelings of each one of us, as we try to travel the path to sanctity . We all have a Salesian heart - from the indigenous who run through the Amazon jungle, to our Andean brothers and sisters who are filled with closeness and kindness, to the youth of the central region who joyfully build the civilization of love - the Guaros, Orientals, Corianos and Zulianos - all of us who have the right to be called Venezuelans . Also, united with us now is every young person who has had to leave our land and turn foreign soil into a home, school, parish and playground . If there is anything that characterizes us as young people, in addition to our unique personalities We are united by one mission: the salvation of many souls, beginning with our own , as our beloved father Don Bosco used to say. Photo by Naassom Azevedo from ww.unsplash.com